QSL Information
All logged contacts are available from

Periodically the logs are collected from the stations and uploaded by the station manager. Therefore, it may take a few days until QSOs can become available for confirmation.
You may check the date of the last QSO uploaded from the widget below provided by Club Log.
Contest QSOs as of 28.11.1993 and non-contest QSOs as of 1.1.2003 for 4U1ITU, 4U0ITU, 4U150ITU and 4U1WRC, have been uploaded to LoTW and Club Log
Direct QSL card requests (with a SASE) are always answered. Please mail them to:
P.O. Box 6
CH-1211 Geneva 20
We are happy to receive QSL requests via the Bureau, replies however will be handled only via Club Log, due to limited handling capacity.
For any inquiries, you can reach us at 4u1itu [@] itu.int